Cathedral Links
Domestic Links
Chetham's School of Music has the most obvious historic link with the Cathedral, and the school provides choristers for our choir. The school also comes into the Cathedral for assemblies. Opens in new window
The Duke of Lancaster Regiment is linked to the Cathedral not least through the use of the regimental chapel by the regiment and its representatives. Broughton house is another expression of the Cathedral’s links with the armed forces caring for ex-service personnel. Opens in new window
International Links
Manchester cathedral's links with sister cathedrals in four continents symbolise our family relationships with Christians throughout the world:
- Windhoek in Namibia (Africa)
- Lahore in Pakistan (Asia)
- Tampere in Finland (Europe)
- New York in the USA (North America)
We pray for them and they for us. We are pleased to welcome visitors and share ideas, learning from each other in the faith which we share.

Windhoek, Namibia
Visit of Bishop Nathaniel of Namibia and his wife (left) with the Dean of Manchester.

Lahore, Pakistan
Lahore Cathedral in Pakistan

Tampere, Finland
The wounded angel in the cathedral. The angel may symbolise Finland under Russian rule. Another explanation is that the angel is a symbol of faith. It has been also thought that the boys have injured the angel in their foolishness and are now regretful and ashamed.

New York
St John Divine Cathedral in New York.
May Christ whose loving arms encircle the globe bless our brothers and sisters in other lands and those who visit us from overseas. May we be messengers of light, hope and peace to all the world. Amen.
In Christ there is no East or West
In him no South or North,
But one great fellowship of love
Throughout the whole wide earth.
John Oxenham 1852-1941