“BACFAD changed our lives” – welcoming our new Choristers, Nancy and Oliver

  • News
  • 11 February 2016
“BACFAD changed our lives” – welcoming our new Choristers, Nancy and Oliver

Following a busy Christmas period for the Cathedral Choir, we have the pleasure of welcoming two new Choristers. Oliver and Nancy both come from musical backgrounds and we really looking forward to working with them and watching them develop during their Choristership journey.

From an early age, Nancy was always singing around the house. Friends and relatives often pointed out how in tune she was.

From the age of eight, Nancy was lucky to be able to attend music, singing and instrumental lessons with the Trafford Music Service for a year before, sadly, funding was removed for this provision. Nancy then sang for a year with the world-renowned Halle Children's Choir, a choir of approximately 80 children based in central Manchester and performing a wide range of repertoire, where Nancy was able to develop her musical skills and theory, as well as being able to make new friends and work within a team.

However, after attending a 'Be a Chorister for a Day' event at Manchester Cathedral, Nancy was keen to audition and soon afterwards was offered a place as a Chorister. Nancy really enjoys the family-like atmosphere of a smaller choir and the more intimate performances.

Oliver has loved singing since before he could talk.

Shortly before his eighth birthday, he attended one of the BACFAD events, held at the Cathedral and straight away asked to join a choir. At the time, Oliver’s parents were not able to get him into Manchester City Centre everyday but they were lucky to live quite close to Oldham Music Centre and agreed to him joining their junior choir. The Oldham Music Centre provided many opportunities for live performance and Oliver had the chance sing live on BBC Radio 3, for the Britten Centenary, and at the Royal Albert Hall in the Music for Youth proms. In fact he loved the choir so much he persuaded his older brother to join the music centre too!

His passion for music expands further as he is also a keen horn player! But Oliver’s passion for singing never faltered and he was asking to attend BACFAD often. By moving house and a new job for his parents, it was finally possible for us to get him to Chetham’s and the Cathedral each day and with plenty of singing under his belt he felt confident enough to audition for the choir. He was sad to leave the music centre but regularly keeps in touch with his friends through his big brother who is also in four ensembles there.

Oliver’s mum says “I have never seen him happier than he is right now so you could say BACFAD changed our lives, and very much for the better!”

If your son or daughter has an interest in singing, regardless of training, contact Christopher Stokes, Organist and Master of the Choristers for more information about choristerships on 0161 833 2220 (ext. 225).