Capture the Cathedral Young Photographer

  • News
  • 8 May 2014
Capture the Cathedral Young Photographer

The winner of the Capture the Cathedral Young Photographer category is Jessica Sweeney.

Here is Jessica's description of her photograph:

"I spent an interesting and peaceful spring morning wandering around the cathedral, taking photographs. I especially enjoyed learning about the history of the Regimental Chapel in the War, and I was surprised to learn that the cathedral was bombed in the Blitz. In my picture, I used a reflection in a brass plaque to mirror what I thought to be key features of the chapel, including the altar, two windows and a lectern. I have also included the dark stone of the cathedral which contrasts with the light streaming in through the window . I am pleased with the way the words are prominent in this photograph, as they give the image a ghostly feel and are a reminder of what the space is about, and the men who sacrificed their lives for our freedom".

Congratulations Jessica!