Friendship Brings Communities Together

  • News
  • 20 January 2017
Friendship Brings Communities Together

'Friendship Brings Communities Together' is the theme of this special public event organised by the Challenging Hate Forum (CHF) at Manchester Cathedral in support of Hate Crime Awareness Week 2017.

The Dean of Manchester will welcome everyone to the Cathedral and BBC Radio Manchester's Mike Shaft will MC the event, which will be officially opened by the Lord Mayor of Manchester at 12 noon. The programme includes an update of hate crime statistics by Greater Manchester Police and the CPS will explain how cases are prosecuted. The audience will then be invited to participate in a fun, interactive dance workshop led by Prajyoti Madhusudan of Pushpanjali Dance before light refreshments are served (catering for all faiths) at 1.00pm.

After lunch members of the Challenging Hate Forum will share their positive experiences of building friendships between diverse communities before a keynote speech by Lucy Powell MP. The Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester will speak about the work of the Forum.

A panel discussion will provide the audience with an opportunity to ask questions and discuss issues around hate crime before the award-winning Manchester Inspirational Voices Choir present some fabulous entertainment.

This event is free to attend and is open to the general public. People of all faiths and none are welcome to come along and be entertained and to learn more about hate crime and what can be done to tackle it.

This event has been supported with a grant from Manchester City Council.

Register for a free place.