Hate Crime Awareness Week 2018 Event: Communities Are Creative Together

  • News
  • 10 January 2018
Hate Crime Awareness Week 2018 Event: Communities Are Creative Together

'Communities Are Creative Together' is the theme of this special public event organised by the Challenging Hate Forum (CHF) at Manchester Cathedral in support of Hate Crime Awareness Week 2018. The event will take place on Tuesday 6 February 2018 from 2pm to 4.30pm.

The Dean of Manchester will officially open the event at 2.00pm. The Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester will then give the opening address, prior to some musical entertainment from a local choir.

Renowned artist Stephen Raw will talk about his work in progress entitled Ibrahim/Abraham/Avram which portrays the name of Abraham in three languages. Abraham’s name has been chosen because he is widely considered to be the father of many nations. His artwork will be on display and there will be chance to talk to him about the creative process leading to this project.

Afternoon Tea will be served (suitable for all dietary and kosher needs) with an opportunity for networking and information gathering from a variety of stalls. This will be followed by an address by Councillor Nigel Murphy from Manchester City Council and the latest hate crime statistics from Greater Manchester Police. The audience will then be invited to participate in a fun, interactive poetry workshop on the theme of hate crime led by popular poet Sam Illingworth.

The afternoon will draw to a close with closing remarks by the Dean of Manchester and a photo call to include everyone present alongside the #WeStandTogether banner.
This event is free to attend and is open to the general public. People of all faiths and none are welcome to come along and be entertained and to learn more about hate crime and what is being done to tackle it.

This event has been supported with a grant from Manchester City Council.

Click here to register your attendance.