Introducing our new Cathedral Architect

  • News
  • 5 October 2017
Introducing our new Cathedral Architect

We would like to introduce our new Cathedral Architect, Ulrike Knox.

Here are some words from Ulrike:

“I am honoured to take over the role of Cathedral Architect from John Prichard who is retiring. I look forward to getting to know the Cathedral and everybody there as well as John does.

I have been working in building conservation since graduating from Hull School of Architecture in 1994 and I look after a number of Grade 1 listed buildings throughout the north of England including Bradford and Liverpool Cathedrals. In an honorary capacity I am a Commissioner for the Cathedral Fabric’s Commission of England, a member of the Fabric Advisory Committee for Ripon Cathedral and a specialist advisor for the Leeds Diocesan Advisory Committee.

Promoting the preservation of heritage skills is important to me, especially through my involvement as a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Masons and as a judge for the Natural Stone Awards of Great Britain.

As a trustee and co-chair of Saltaire Village Society I sit on the Saltaire World Heritage Site Steering Group and currently I am busy helping to organise the Saltaire Christmas Lights event.

Other than my obsession with the heritage environment I am a genealogy fanatic and I have even travelled to the US to research family history. Travelling is a passion that I share with my husband and teenage daughter. We are currently on a mission to find the best ever southern barbeque and plan to visit the US next year to continue the search.”