Manchester Cathedral Wraps for Peace

  • News
  • 1 March 2012

The Dean of Manchester and others will be wrapping crime scene tape around the medieval cathedral on Thursday morning. This isn’t due to the spate of precious metal thefts that have taken place recently! Rather, it’s to mark the cathedral’s support for the 10th Annual PeaceWeek. They will be joining numerous other people wrapping up their buildings with tape inscribed with positive messages of peace: “Work, hope, pray, long for peace.”

PeaceWeek began in 2003 as the first activity of a new community group, CARISMA (Community Alliance for Renewal, inner South Manchester area) set up in response to the labelling of many inner city areas as being violent and unsafe due to the misbehaviour of a small minority in these areas.

PeaceWeek 2012 is being marked by numerous school. Church and community events, from lantern-making workshops to tea dances to special church services. And, of course, wrapping up buildings!

The Dean says ‘We are very pleased to be supporting PeaceWeek this year and hope that the wrapping of the Cathedral in incident tape will elicit conversations about how we can work for peace in our local communities’.