New socks for the box: Canon Wray’s Sock Appeal returns to Manchester Cathedral this January

  • News
  • 7 January 2016
New socks for the box: Canon Wray’s Sock Appeal returns to Manchester Cathedral this January

Are there piles of lovely but unwanted pairs of socks lingering under your pile of Christmas presents or spilling out of your sock drawer? Manchester Cathedral can find a good home for any pairs of new, warm socks that people would like to donate or buy to support the Booth Centre in looking after those who find themselves homeless at the turn of the New Year.

The Canon Wray Sock Appeal is back for its second year and you can donate your socks right up until the official anniversary of this historic legacy on the 21 January.

Cecil Daniel Wray was a very popular, if slightly eccentric, priest who died in 1866 having
served at the Cathedral for an astonishing 56 years. Many pass his tomb outside the
Cathedral unaware that Canon Wray, along with the better-known Joshua Brookes, baptised and married more people in England than any other clergyman on record. He set up ‘Canon Wray’s Birthday Gift’- a fund for the provision of socks for the poor - on the occasion of his birthday, 21 January, each year.

In recognition of this great character and his legacy, we will be trying to fill the Cathedral with a record number of donated socks and working with the Booth Centre charity to distribute these to the homeless. If you have received yet another pair at Christmas and your sock drawer spilleth over - get down to the Cathedral and help us to bring the legacy and spirit of one of Manchester’s great characters back to life.