Replay: second hand sheet-music needed

  • News
  • 20 June 2012
Replay: second hand sheet-music needed

Manchester Cathedral Chorister Parents' Association is planning to launch ‘Replay’, a second hand sheet music store, to raise much-needed funds for choir activities.

If you have any sheet music that you no longer need, please give it to this good cause! After the summer break we plan to hold regular ‘Replay’ sales throughout the year, on Saturday afternoons in the Cathedral and at other Cathedral events, which we will let you know about, so come and browse! We will also catalogue all the music that is donated and list it online, so you can find out quickly if we have the music you need in stock - save yourself £££s and support Manchester Cathedral Choir at the same time!

If you have any sheet music to donate please bring it to the Cathedral, clearly marked for the attention of the Chorister Parents’ Association.