Services from Sunday 10 July to Monday 5 September 2016

  • News
  • 15 July 2016

The Cathedral Choirs are on Summer holiday from Sunday 10 July until Monday 5 September 2016.

During the choristers’ school holidays, the pattern changes slightly (unless there is a visiting choir), as follows:

8.45am Matins (Book of Common Prayer)
9.00am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
10.30am Sung Eucharist (Common Worship Order One)
4.30pm Evening Prayer or Choral Evensong (Book of Common Prayer)

Monday – Friday
9.00am Morning Prayer (Common Worship; Wednesday – Book of Common Prayer)
1.10pm Holy Communion (Common Worship Order One)
4.30pm Evening Prayer

9.00am Morning Prayer (Common Worship)
9.15am Holy Communion (Common Worship Order One)
4.30pm Evening Prayer

Please download the service schedule for service information.