
Celebrating the gift of love in the life-long commitment of marriage is a great joy, and we welcome enquiries about marriage.

Anyone can get married in a Church of England Church, but it is easier to be married in a local parish church than in a Cathedral, for which there are stricter regulations. The stricter regulations for cathedrals mean that you will only be eligible to be married in the Cathedral if either: you live in the Residual Parish of the Cathedral or you have been a regular worshipper at the Cathedral for at least six months and are a member of the Cathedral’s Community Roll.

If you require further advice please email Canon Nigel Ashworth to discuss.

Prayer and Dedication after a Civil Marriage

We also offer a service of Prayer and Dedication after a Civil Marriage for couples who are being married in a Registry Office (or abroad) but wish to hold their commitment before God in prayer and thankfulness, asking for God’s blessing on their life ahead. Please contact Canon Marcia Wall to discuss your eligibility and answer any questions that you may have.

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Same sex relationships and Civil Partnerships

We are a diverse and inclusive community and welcome everyone to our services and activities here. We are also particularly active in our support of members of the LGBTQI+ communities in Greater Manchester and beyond.

At present we are not permitted by law to marry people of the same sex and the House of Bishops of the Church of England has declined to authorise a service of blessing for a Civil Partnership. The bishops’ statement says, ‘Where clergy are approached by people asking for prayer in relation to entering into a civil partnership they should respond pastorally and sensitively in the light of the circumstances of each case’ (para 18). The Chapter of Manchester Cathedral abides by the pastoral statement of the bishops as a matter of policy.